More demo painting at the Arts Festival this week.
I started out with oil. Right next to us were some woodworkers. The wind was blowing the sawdust was swirling and the woodchips were sticking. I wound up with more texture in my paintings than I planned.
Since I couldn't come out of that with a good oil painting I decided to have fun, so every little kid that came along to "admire" my work I handed them my brush and asked them to help me out just a bit. It was a lot of fun to watch the expresstion
on their little faces as they worked on that oil and wood chip painting.
My next two shifts, I wised up and decided to go for revenge. I took my pastels....some really sabre tooth paper.....large sheets......lots of my more inexpensive pastels. I wound up getting two large pastels at least 3/4 done without getting a speck of that dust in my house. Don't know about the woodworkers - they may have taken some pastel dust home with them.