Thursday, May 24, 2007

I've been tagged !!

ACEO 2.5" x 3.5"
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World Wide Artist's Tag

Nancy Merkle has tagged me! It's a blog game of tag amongst artists. These are the tagging rules:1. List 7 random facts/habits about yourself.2. Choose another 7 bloggers to tag and list their names in your blog. 3. Leave your 7 tagged bloggers comments to notify them of their tagging and to direct them to your blog for tag instructions. Here are the seven random facts about me:

1. I can stay up all night reading a good book.
2. I love to listen to the sound of thunder.
3. I am a very eclectic painter preferring to paint to fit my moods.
4. I get very impatient with laws created for the good of the few to irritate the patience of the many.
5. I love the deserts and mountains of the southwestern United States.
6. One day I hope to travel to Alaska.
7. I’m ashamed to say I get kind of crabby when having a bad day. Makes me want to just howl at the moon.

Here are the artist I’m going to tag. If you’ve been tagged before, then just consider it a compliment because I like your work and additional advertising.
These four are all I can come up with now-most of you have been tagged already. I'll try to add more.

Linda Kukuk
Liana Turnbull Bennett
Tamara Dozier
Mary Hillier (sunladyART)

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